During the months of March – June 2020, INANA has launched the ConfinART project aiming to tranlate physical distancing into creative social connection, offering the opportunity of artists from different parts of the world to inspire each other through creating art work.
We have been taught over the past three years by a large number of people living confined in different parts of the world: refugees confined to camps, in detention centers, on islands, or on the shores of borders - that adversity can be translated into opportunity to go beyond ourselves.
We have been taught over the past three years by a large number of people living confined in different parts of the world: refugees confined to camps, in detention centers, on islands, or on the shores of borders - that adversity can be translated into opportunity to go beyond ourselves. They made the decision to express, to translate their fears into poems, their sufferings in colored forms, and to rebuild by their works a hope, a possible future that they wanted to achieve.
InSpanish, “con-fin” means with a goal. To our great surprise, we find in the mythology of many ancestral cultures episodes of “quarantine” or confinement referring to a time of the year, a moment of pause, of retirement, of return towards oneself devoted to evaluating a project, a situation, a life, to move unfailingly towards: an objective!
On the other hand, the etymology of the word contain means "to touch the limits, the end, the borders". Does it mean that confinement could be more than physical distance? What if we too turned it into a moment of evaluation, a moment to recognize what limits us and to define towards what we want to go?
Art has been a powerful tool for transcending physical boundaries and creating life where it seemed not possible anymore! They listened to each other and made themselves heard.
Together we decide to “Confin’Art”, and to discover the first ConfinArt Pieces