Integr’Art creates opportunities of exchange and cooperation between migrant artists and artists from the host societies through the organization of art residencies in different European and Mediterranean cities, aiming to strengthen social inclusion and to combat discrimination through artistic expression and the creation of solidarity networks and projects.
Who can participate :
Intercultural and intergenerational dialogue being at the heart of the our approach, we invite any person living in European cities in which we intervene to, and willing to use art as a mean of expression and as a mean of social transformation.
In each city a call for applicants are dessiminated at least 2 months prior to the start of the art residency.
We promote diversity in each group of artists through including :
Professional, amateur and beginner artists (including those who do not feel they are artists)
A minimum of 40 % of participants who are presently refugees or seeking asylum in Europe.
Individuals from 12 to 111 years
Gender equality in the group of participant
What happens in a residency ?
The residencies are conducted by INANA’s facilitators and in collaboration with local partners. The objective is to guide the participants through an artistic journey of social transformation for them to reach their own questions, messages, conclusions.
Our methodology is experience and art based throughout the process, inviting participants to speak, listen, exchange practices, skills, experiences and reflections through different artistic languages.
The phases of the residencies are :
Phase 1 focuses therefore on the encounter and the exploration of one’s own relation to exclusion versus inclusion in our society.
Phase 2 consists in the creation of art pieces related to the messages, questions and solutions addressed in phase 1.
Phase 3 consists in the preparation of the restitution and the restitution of the creations of the group through an opening event of the art exhibition.
The art pieces created by the groups are then integrated in the itinerant Integr’Art Exhibition, and used as a mean of sensitizing the large european audiance to social related issues - in particular linked to migration, discriminations and access to rights
The participants are then invited to be part of the INANA Network of artists, and for those interested will receive the opportunities to participate to other activities organized in other cities, or to join the team of facilitators.